today is 10.12.2023!

the weather is sunny and cool, the wind is blowing and temperatures are a breezy 79F!

hi hi everyone, my name is SHRIMP. today im gonna be working on my studying and hopefully, i'll become a smart guy! i'm REALLY dumb about my maths, so i have to work REALLY REALLY hard to learn it. they think i have DYSCALCULIA so it makes sense, i think. im just not TOO smart about maths, though i'll do my best.

also because its OCTOBER i have to have a fall drink like a basic white girl!!! (i am a grown ass man with a wispy shitty beard!). today im having a ICED SHAKEN APPLE SYRUP OATMILK is delicious but i can feel the caffeine rumbling through my aerteries and i just took my METHYLPHENIDATE 30mg


okay, i have to go now guys ^_^ i really need to do some work now, atleast GEOMETRY is easy cause i can have the formulas for finding perimeter and area.

perimeter goes around the rim, around the rim, around the rim! perimeter goes around the rim, add all the sides! add all the sides!

area, area, covers all the space, covers all the space, multiply length times width, multiply length times width!